
Holding our breath. Surgery is done and it went really well. It took a little over three hours. Exhaling. His surgeon crossed both fingers in the air and smiled as he walked out of the room to let us know things went well. His surgeon has been with Sam since he was a baby. Sam has a very special place in his heart.

Sam came out of recovery very sleepy and when he has been awake, is in a lot of pain, but overall, doing really well.

Now holding our breath again. Here’s the part I have to speak away my fears. Here the part where Sam likes to throw curve balls.

Just breathe. He is not going to have any complications. He is going to sleep well tonight. We are going to keep his pain controlled. He is going to recover quickly.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Sam Strong


7 thoughts on “Done

  1. I am praying for NO curve balls, and for YOUR fears to melt away in the delightful arms of Jesus. He is being watched over and we speak new grace into the healing processes moment by moment.

  2. I will pray that your positive statements will come true. May God grant peaceful sleep and recovery.

  3. Even though I have been unable to comment in the last several posts…I’ve been keeping up with reading them. Wow. Just Wow! You all have had so much. You are such an encouragement to others. Those of us with less challenges struggle to keep our attitudes in check! Holding you all close to my heart as Sam recovers…without curveballs…without complications….with great pain control…and a quick recovery.

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