help children with tracheostomy tubes


every contribution to S3Kit directly impacts the families and caregivers who bring home a child with a life-saving breathing tube

you can support by…

equipping a kit

Help S3Kit act as soon as we learn of a family in need by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List that will go directly into one of our kits.

giving financially

Your entire donation will go directly to ensuring these complimentary baskets get into the hands of families who need them.

just a few of the amazing kind of kiddos you could help with a donation to S3Kit


After our son was in the hospital for 7 months, we were eager to get him home and wanted the positivity to shine through in a really scary time. However, bringing him home with a trach was an incredibly overwhelming and terrifying experience. In our first days home, we received a Superman Sam’s Survival Kit to help set us with the transition. Not only did this provide us with resources, but there was an entire organization standing behind our son, my husband and I supporting us in our new journey and celebrating how far he has come. S3Kit meant so much to us and welcomed us in a beautiful community.
— S3Kit Basket Recipient

ready to learn more about how S3Kit helps families?